onsdag den 8. juli 2009

First things First - Business Maturity

In order to better understand where you are going, you must first know where you are!

Hi, and welcome to the blog! Let us jump right into it, you are here to read about some advice on strategy - online in particular - so let us get started. In order to establish what kinds of strategies you are able to apply to your business model, you must first establish at what stage of maturity your business finds itself in, what resources you have available and what market structures you are facing.
Take a look at this simple model and determine at what stage your business has reached:

Once established, we can move on to determining the market structures you are facing - believe me, there is a huge difference between acting on the US market and South American markets! It is important that you keep this in mind when accessing the strategies available to you. More of this later.

1 kommentar:

Francis sagde ...

I agree, but it would be nice if you could elaborate a bit please.