onsdag den 8. juli 2009

Defining the level of market uncertainty

Not all markets are the same - that is putting it mildly!

On both a global, regional and local level it is very important to define the level of uncertainty that the market provides as this is a determining factor regarding the strategies you can implement. Can you for implement a two to four year strategy, and invest the resources accordingly, when acting on a South American or African market. It isn't even necessary to exemplify what product we are talking about - the answer is no. Drastic government interventions, cartels, and monopolies are simply too likely to happen on such markets, and it is therefore important to know your limits as well as your opportunities before you set aside the resources for a given strategic move. These are drastic examples, but do not take them lightly as they translate very well onto your local markets - only on a different scale off course.
Take a look at this model and determine the level of uncertainty on the market you are facing:

1 kommentar:

Francis sagde ...

That is pretty interesting actually, but does this work on all markets?